Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Man Killed in Pedestrian Accident in Freeway Connector in San Jose

A pedestrian accident claimed one life Sunday evening when a man was hit by a pickup truck while trying to cross a freeway connector in San Jose.

According to the CHP, a man tried to walk across the connector from southbound Highway 87 to northbound Interstate 280 when he was struck by Chevrolet pickup truck.
The driver said that he tried to avoid the man but still hit him in the far right traffic lane.

It was still unclear why the man was trying to cross the connector in the first place.

The victim’s family could file a wrongful death claim against the driver but I doubt that it will be approved by his car accident insurance provider.

It is highly unlikely that the driver will be found liable because he had the right of way and there is no way that he could have reasonably known about the presence of the pedestrian.

The most important thing to find out about this case is the reason for the man’s presence in the connector.

I have a feeling that the answer will answer a lot of questions about the case.