Friday, August 29, 2008

Pedestrian Hit and Run Accident left One Dead

The California Highway Patrol is once again asking the help of the public about a fatal hit and run accident that happened in the area of Via Rancho in I-15.

The accident was believed to have happened in the godforsaken hours of the night. The poor victim was walking in the northbound No. 5 lane when he was hit by a vehicle described by witnesses as gold Mazda3.

The victim was theorized to have been struck by the car’s passenger side and was thrown into the highway’s right side concrete barrier. The Medical Examiners Office reported that the victim was dead when they arrive, looked a stray person and around the age of 50.

The driver left the scene of the accident leaving the pedestrian dead. The right passenger side of the vehicle was believed to have been damaged. The California Highway Patrol is looking for the car and any information which can lead to it will be greatly appreciated.

In 2006, car accident fatalities in the United States totaled to 42,642. Out of that number, pedestrian accident kills a staggering number of 4,784 while nearly 70,000 pedestrians are injured.

Statistics show that at least 1 pedestrian gets killed in a traffic accident every 110 minutes, or so.

Accident remains something that we didn’t want to happen to us. In order to avoid pedestrian accident, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommended some helpful tips to follow, to wit:

• Use sidewalks
• Know and obey safety rules
• Cross only at intersections and crosswalks
• Look left, right and left again for traffic before stepping of the curb
• See and be seen
• Closely watch children and teach them the safety rules
• Use the “Walkability Checklist” available at the NHTSA official website

But if you or your loved unavoidably got involved in pedestrian accident – remember that the law requires that you be compensated.

Pedestrian accidents are covered by tort laws which make negligent person liable for injury, damage or death of a pedestrian. Compensation may include medical bills, lost wages and property damages, as well as compensation for your pain and suffering.